24 hour care Hampshire

Caring for a loved one can be a rewarding and demanding role and no one is equipped to manage it alone. This is what makes respite care so important, to give caregivers a break from their duties. Respite care allows both the caregiver and the loved one receiving care to enjoy a change in routine. Provides some well-deserved downtime with all while knowing that their loved one is being cared for.

Take a Break Services

We offer respite care services designed to give caregivers some time to themselves and give them opportunities to take time out. Safe in the knowledge that we will provide the same level of care and support that you provide for your loved ones.

It also allows the individuals receiving care to enjoy new social interactions and activities in the comfort of their own home. We can complement your existing routine to ensure minimal disruption to your care schedule.

The Importance of Respite Care

It is normal to need a break, even those with busy work schedules don’t work around the clock without ever having time to themselves to look forward to. Taking time away for yourself is vital to your well-being and health.

Respite care is an integral part of the caregiving process. It can seem daunting, however, creating the balance can benefit both the individual being cared for and the caregiver:

More Social Interactions

More opportunities for new social interaction can benefit both involved. For example, catching up with family members can provide crucial emotional support for the caregiver. While the individual receiving care can meet new people and enjoy time socialising gaining new relationships.

Renew Your Energy

It is hard to care for others if you’re not caring for yourself. This could unwillingly affect the care you can offer and could lead to caregiver burnout. Respite care allows caregivers to recharge their batteries.

Tips for Planning Respite Care

If you’re worried about passing on the complex caregiving duties, start by reviewing the needs for both you as a caregiver and your loved one receiving care.

We recommended you keep a record of your daily activities. This can help hand over key routines and responsibilities and can also highlight the areas or times where you could benefit from help the most.

In doing so you can discover what respite options will suit you best. Our take a break service can start from as little as 30 minutes to a whole month. If you would like to discuss your needs in more detail, then please give our friendly team a call.

Our main focus is, and always will be, the best standard of care and support for each and every one of our clients in their own home. We ensure every client is cared for as an individual, with their specific care needs assessed and met with the highest standards, while also tailoring to their preferences.

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