This month our staff spotlight is on Paddy, one of our fantastic carers here at Verina Daly Care! Read on to find out a little bit more about him…
Hi Paddy! How long have you worked at VDC?
“Hiya, I’ve been at VDC since 10th December.”
What do you do in your spare time?
“I play golf, watch sport – especially football, boxing, and my son plays ice hockey.”
What’s the most rewarding part of the job?
“Most rewarding aspect is being able to make a difference and make people smile. I get on with all of the clients we have and feel they are in a better frame of mind when I leave to when I arrived.”
What three things would you take on a desert island?
“I would take a photo of my kids, a football, and my dog.”
Thank you, Paddy, for your hard work and making a difference to your clients’ days! We’ll be back soon with another Staff Spotlight!